Immigration News Hispanics a Majority in Texas by 2020
According to projections recently reported by the Census Bureau, the Hispanic population will be the largest ethnic group in the State of Texas by 2020 and is expected to be a population majority by 2044 with more than 50 of the population.
This report uncovers some spectacular figures regarding the growth of the Hispanic population in the Cowboy State. At present the demographic composition is 38 of the population, by 2020 this will increase to 42 becoming the largest ethnic group and by 2044 it will pass 50 which also reflects the tendency of eligible Hispanic voters in Texas.
This increase does not seem to be slowing down. By 2036 there will be less non-Hispanics eligible voters than Hispanic, and by 2056 the voters in Texas will be a Hispanic majority.
Seven U.S. states appear with a similar tendency, Arizona, Maryland, Nevada and Georgia follow in the steps of the larger states in the number of immigrant Hispanics as are California, New Mexico and of course Texas, with a constant flow of immigration numbers to cities such as Dallas.
Always consult with an experienced immigration attorney who is a law graduate and certified in the United States of America by the Board of Immigration Appeals Federal Department of Justice.
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