Naturalization Ceremony Welcomes 36,000 New U.S. Citizens.
Each year the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, USCIS, welcomes more than 36,000 new citizens to celebrate Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. Also known as Constitution Week, from September 17 – September 23, more than 200 naturalization ceremonies will be held.
Immigrants have to live in the U.S. for five years before they are eligible to apply and the process takes up to five months to complete. Applicants must pass 2 tests in order to qualify; one to prove they are familiar with the English language and a Civics test focusing on American history and civics.
Naturalization applicants will now be able to use credit cards to pay the naturalization fees by filling out Form N-400 which is the application and the fee is $680.00 including the biometrics test. Form G-1450 must be filled out by the customers who wish to pay with a credit card.
USCIS has begun a plan to expand their campaign on citizenship public education and awareness to 6 additional States where more than 75 of lawful Permanent Residents live.
Always consult with an experienced immigration attorney who is a law graduate and certified in the United States of America by the Board of Immigration Appeals Federal Department of Justice.
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