Immigration is Central Issue for the new Texas Legislature
The 85th Legislature of the State of Texas opened its new session at the State Capitol, focusing on immigration as the central debate.
The issue of how to deal with immigration is of great importance to Texas, and is one of tough policies to be debated by the new administration of President elect, Donald Trump.
The Sanctuary Cities and the border with Mexico are the high points in the policy in this state of Texas, becoming the center of the debate between the two political parties, with positions very far apart between Republicans and Democrats.
Several members of the Republican Party and Greg Abbott, the Governor of Texas, introduced legislation to increase the border control, while Democrats insist on defending the rights of immigrants in the United States of America.
An experienced attorney authorized to practice immigration law in Dallas, throughout Texas, can assure that your case moves forward as quickly as possible and is handled correctly.
EFE News January 10. 2017