Illegal Immigrant Population Drops below 11 Million
Continuing nearly a decade long decline, the immigrant population in the United States has fallen below 11 million. Even though the undocumented total immigrant population is 10.9 million, this is the lowest since 2003.
According to a report by the Center of Migration Studies, the number of undocumented immigrants has decreased consistently each year since 2008, due to a large degree to the decline in illegal immigrants from Mexico. It is believed that at least 6 million of the 10.9 million are still originally from Mexico.
Economic changes and the demographic distribution have also changed, altering the dynamics and changing the make-up of the undocumented population. Until recent years, the majority of illegal immigrants were young men in search of work. Now the typical illegal immigrant is 35 or older and has lived in the U.S. for over 10 years. Women in Mexico now also have fewer children.
A decline in immigrants from Europe and South America has contributed to these numbers. On the other hand, illegal immigrants from Central America, where whole families and unaccompanied minors have crossed the southwest border, in on the rise.
This report, just prior to the 2016 presidential election, could create heated discussions over the issue of illegal immigration and immigration reform. The debate on how to handle the issue of illegal immigration has escalated even more in the past weeks.
Speaking with an experienced and skilled immigration attorney is the first step when dealing with any immigration issue, one who is authorized to practice immigration law in Dallas and throughout Texas.