Begin accepting applications for expansion of DACA
As part of President Obama’s immigration plan, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced on Saturday they will start accepting requests for temporary deportation relief for undocumented immigrants who entered the U.S illegally as children. The first day to request DACA applications is February 18, 2015.
Under this new expanded program there is no age cap as long as the immigrant entered the United States before they were 16 years old. One of the requirements is that they must have lived in the U.S. continuously since January 1, 2010. There are more than 500,000 young immigrants already in the program.
USCIS advises the public to be extra careful to avoid immigration scams and to learn how to identify and report them. USCIS has offered more information and legal assistance for any person who suspects a scam on their website
Always consult with an experienced immigration attorney who is a law graduate and certified in the United States of America by the Board of Immigration Appeals Federal Department of Justice.
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