More than 34,000 new American individuals
More than 34,000 new American individuals will realize their dreams this September. On the 23rd September they will become U.S. citizens in over 300 ceremonies. So far this year between 600,00 and 750 naturalizations will take place in the U.S.
34,300 new American citizens will take part is 316 ceremonies between the 13th and the 23rd September during the 2019 Constitution Week.
Director Cuccinelli in his welcoming speech said “232 years ago, our great nation adopted the U.S. Constitution, and as we celebrate the Constitution Week it is important to underscore the important responsibilities citizens have to protect and defend the Constitution. These 34,300 new citizens have followed the laws to become naturalized and now call the United States their home. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate the Constitution Week than to welcome thousands of new American citizens integrated, they are committed to our great country and have sworn to uphold the Constitution”
On September 17, the nation commemorates Constitution Day and Citizenship Day as part of Constitution Week (September 17-23 of this year). The commemoration pays homage to both the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, and the observation that began in 1940 and the day of “I am American.” Citizenship Day began in 1952, according to a law signed by President Harry Truman, and in 1955 President Dwight Eisenhower proclaimed the first Constitution Week.
This time of year serves as an opportunity to commemorate the connection between the Constitution and citizenship, and reflect on the meaning of being a citizen of the United States.
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