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Executive Migratory Action on hold until June 20

The Supreme Court has still not given a ruling regarding President Obama’s migratory executive action of 2014, extending deferred action from a 2 year grant to a 3 year grant. They have until June 27 to give a ruling.

The two programs affected by this decision are DAPA and DACA. Both of them would allow groups of unauthorized immigrants to apply for protection from deportation and work permits. One program would cover immigrants older than 30 who entered the U.S. as children. More than 5 million undocumented immigrants are nervously awaiting a decision, which will influence their future in the very near future.

This situation has dragged on since February 2015 when 26 states sued the federal government and a federal judge in Texas upheld the ruling. This executive action was intended to be part of President Obama’s legacy and now that the Supreme Court has agreed to take up this case during his term, hopefully millions of dreamers and their families can live and work without fear of deportation.

Consulte siempre con un abogado experto en inmigración que sea licenciado en derecho y certificado en los Estados Unidos de América por la Junta de Apelaciones de Inmigración del Departamento Federal de Justicia.