Fee to increase by $500 for U.S. naturalization

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2020 | Immigration |

Residents and business owners in Texas, including Dallas and Houston, might be interested in learning about how the government is greatly raising the fee for naturalization. It is being increased by more than 80% by the present administration.

Asylum seekers must pay a fee

Not only will fees be increased for dozens of work and immigration applications, there will now be a $50 fee for those seeking asylum. Online naturalization will rise from $640 to $1,160.

USCIS sees these increases as necessary

The fees are assessed every two years, and the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) says that the increase is necessary to meet budget shortfalls and layoffs. It claims it will “…efficiently and fairly administer our nation’s lawful immigration system, secure the homeland and protect Americans.”

Immigration activists, as well as lawmakers and union members, have disagreed with some of the USCIS’s policies. The organization formerly was a benefits agency.

A fee was lowered

Proposed genealogy fees were lowered by USCIS. An increase had been suggested for those looking for the historical records of deceased immigrants who entered the US between the late-19th and mid-20th centuries. People can view past records, including:

  • Naturalization certificates
  • Visa applications
  • Alien registration forms

Help is available

Residents of Texas who are looking to stay in this country may need help with obtaining green cards. You might wish to become a citizen of the United States. If so, an attorney who is versed in immigration law might help you with your citizenship issues. He or she can explain what is necessary to become a citizen and might help protect your status on the path to becoming a voting citizen of the US.